
. Mercury is 5.79 x 107 kilometers from the Sun. Jupiteris 7.786 x 108 kilometers from the Sun. When they areon opposite sides of the Sun, how far apart are Mercuryand Jupiter?​

Accepted Solution

Answer:[tex]83.65\times 10^{7}[/tex] kmStep-by-step explanation:Given:Distance of Mercury from the Sun, [tex]d_{m}=5.79\times 10^{7}\textrm{ km}[/tex]Distance of Jupiter from the Sun, [tex]d_{j}=7.786\times 10^{8}\textrm{ km}[/tex]When they are on opposite sides of the Sun, the total distance will be the sum of their individual distances from the Sun.So, The distance between Mercury and Jupiter is equal to[tex]d_{m}+d_{j}=5.79\times 10^{7}+7.786\times 10^{8}\\d_{m}+d_{j}=5.79\times 10^{7}+77.86\times 10^{7}\\d_{m}+d_{j}=(5.79+77.86)\times 10^{7}\\d_{m}+d_{j}=83.65\times 10^{7}\textrm{ km}[/tex]Therefore, when Mercury and Jupiter are Β on opposite sides of the Sun, they are [tex]83.65\times 10^{7}[/tex] km apart.